6 Tips For Preparing For A Bathroom Remodel


Throughout my years of working on bathroom projects with clients, I have found a few things to be helpful in helping them prepare for the actual work to begin in their house.

1.    Clear. Box up, throw away, donate all linens and toiletry items in the bathroom and put them in another room away from the construction zone. Clear out the pathway from the exterior doorway that will be used for bringing materials in and the bathroom space being worked on.

2.    Down. Take down blinds, curtains, rods and wall decorations. Place the hardware in plastic storage bags and label with masking tape or directly on the bag. Take down valuable pictures and wall hangings in adjacent rooms that can be knocked off the wall or damaged during the remodeling process. 

3.    Cover. You may want to cover furniture and electronics in adjacent rooms that may be affected by dust from the construction area.

4.    Pets. Protect your pets. Keep them away from the work area.  Dogs and cats can be a danger to themselves and the work crew if they are underfoot. The best option is to keep them in a closed room away from all the work.

5.     Leave. If you're considering a vacation or need to schedule a business trip, now might be a good time, assuming you're comfortable with the remodeling work continuing in your absence. Bonus points if you're visiting relatives — you might score a home-cooked meal or two.

6.    Big Picture. Remember the big picture. In the grand scheme of home ownership, this is but a short period of inconvenience amid years of bathroom bliss. Keep the process in perspective and treat it as an adventure. When you're relaxing in your sparkling new bathroom, the temporary hassles will fade from memory.

Have you found other tips to be helpful in your projects? Do you have anything to add to this list? I would love to hear! Questions? Email me at Jessica@webbercoleman.com


15 Tips For Preparing For A Kitchen Remodel: Part 1


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