Architect vs. Designer

Some of the clients I work with also have an architect or designer or both working on their project as well. It’s important to know the role of each of these professionals and what they are and are not capable and qualified to do. Depending on your project, you may need one or both to achieve the finished product you are after.

An architect is a licensed and registered professional with extensive education, training, and licensing and is legally responsible for all work they perform. An architect learns about design and problem-solving in school, where they also get crash courses in the various building systems and processes. As a highly educated and trained professional, more is legally expected of them, which increases their risk and exposure to liability. The fact that an architect is a licensed design professional (and is held legally responsible for their actions) is the main difference between them and other design professionals. You cannot call yourself an architect unless you’re licensed. An architect has the most education and experience in design and implementation. Their skills and expertise revolve around maximizing design opportunities, understanding building systems and navigating the complicated approvals process.

Whereas an architect is a licensed design professional, a designer is not. As far as education, training, and licensure for a designer, there is no requirement. As you can imagine, the skill level of a designer can vary significantly across the board. The biggest difference between an architect and a designer is the fact that they cannot provide a set of stamped documents to the building department, which are required to get a building permit. So in speaking strictly of design skills, an architect and designer may be fully capable of creating a great design for you. One just has a more holistic understanding of how buildings go together and the coordination involved to make it happen. Some times a designer is able to provide more guidance and assistance on the interior finishes, design and furniture.

The point of choosing between the various design professionals is to decide who can provide the most bang for the buck and get you the end result that you want. Working with a design professional is an investment (big or small) so you have to decide who can provide the most value for the cost and what professional you will actually need in order to bring your project to completion. Always clearly communicate what you expect from the design professional you choose and what they are able to offer you.


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