How To Care For Shower Glass

In almost every bathroom we have remodeled recently, we have installed frameless shower glass. You may have that in your own home. One question I am frequently asked is about the best cleaners to use and ways to clean and care for the shower glass to keep it looking sparkling and clear for years to come.

First, it’s important to know if your glass has been treated or is just standard glass. We use Showerguard, which permanently seals the surface of the glass for lasting beauty with less maintenance. Using (large-area magnetron) sputtering coating technology, an invisible protective coating is fused to the surface, filling the peaks and valleys that occur naturally in glass and creating a smooth surface highly resilient to the dirt, soap and hard water buildup that dulls and etches ordinary glass. It adds a little cost but is worth it in the long run in easier maintenance.

If you have Showerguard glass, their patented technology helps keep minerals, scale and soap scum from sticking. A soft cloth or wet sponge and most common household cleaners are all you need for periodic maintenance. One of the cleaners they recommend is Soft Scrub All Purpose Cleanser with a non-scratch sponge.

If you don’t know if you have a coated glass or have standard glass, one natural ingredient many people swear by is distilled vinegar. Mix heated vinegar with a grease cutting detergent like Dawn in equal proportions. Or mix some liquid soap with baking soda until is the consistency of frosting. Or mix 50/50 water and vinegar. Scrub the substance on the shower glass with a non-scratch sponge and rinse off. Be careful using vinegar if you have natural stone or marble in your shower as it can etch the surface of the stone.

The best time to clean the shower is after the shower has been used since the warm water has already loosened up the grime. Keep a squeegee nearby to clean the glass on a daily basis. It will keep the hard water deposits from building up. Don’t forget the rubber sweep at the bottom of the door. A toothbrush is great for getting in those nooks and crannies.

If you have especially bad soap scum or hard water residue on your glass, one product we have found that works great is Bio Clean-Hard Water Stain Remover. It is available on Amazon for $16.99. Elbow grease is required but it works great! Have you found any products that works great? I’d love to hear. Send me an email at


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