The Magic of Magic Erasers


Magic Erasers (also generically known as melamine foam) are kind of magic. No wonder that’s how they got their name. I keep some in my car and under each sink, because you never know when one may come in handy. Unfortunately, sometimes these wonder pads can work a little too well—particularly on polished and easily scratched areas. So before you get carried away cleaning your place with a melamine foam, read ahead for some things you definitely don’t want to ever do with them.

1. Don’t use them dry

Part of the magic of these erasers is that all you have to do is add water to activate them. However, it turns out that these plushy pads are even more abrasive—and can therefore, do more damage—when dry, so adding water actually helps soften them.

2. Don’t use them to polish your car (or any delicately painted surface)

Don’t let the soft texture of the foam fool you; once it gets wet, it has the abrasiveness of 3000 grit sandpaper. That’s why it’s important to avoid using them on finely painted surfaces, like your car, or else you’ll end up with a way worse problem than bird poop.

3. Don’t use them to clean delicate countertops

Forget the fact that these spongy pads feel plush; they’re actually insanely abrasive. That’s why you should avoid using it on granite and marble counters (and any other fine stone surfaces) or else you’ll run the risk of removing the sealant and making the surface appear dull.

4. Don’t use them to wipe down nonstick pots and pans

If you thought they could be used exactly like a dish sponge, then think again. Employing these heavy duty cleaners to wipe down nonstick pots and pans will only scratch their surface—and release pesky chemicals from the coating into your food instead.

5. Don’t try to brighten stainless steel

Unless you privy yourself a “gentle wiper,” it’s probably best to avoid using your the pad on any stainless steel surfaces throughout your home. Too much scrubbing can cause the high gloss finish that seals most stainless stainless steel appliances to break down, resulting in a dulled and sometimes scratched patina.

6. Don’t use them on anything without spot testing first.

This one may seem like a no brainer but when in doubt about whether your melamine foam pad is safe to use, simply do a spot test. Just as you should with any new cleaning product, test a small area with the eraser before using it on an entire surface.

While that’s some areas you shouldn’t use a Magic Eraser on, below are some great uses for it.

1. Whiteboards

2. Scuff marks on walls TIP: Be sure to test the magic eraser in an inconspicuous area. It may remove paint from the wall.

3. Clean glass windows

4. Remove rust

5. Remove sticker residue

6. Remove stains on fabric

7. Clean your toilet

8. Spot clean the carpet

9. Remove paint

10. Clean soap scum

11. Remove marker, pen & crayon marks

12. Clean canvas shoes

13. Clean leather

14. Keyboards

15. Coffee & tea stains

Have you found any great (or not so great) uses for a Magic Eraser? I’d love to hear! Email me at


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